Monday, January 25, 2021

When facing the terrifying unknown: “The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing”


What will happen during 2021?


“Today dear friends,

we stand upon the verge of the unknown.

Who can tell what we shall find?

What new experiences,

what challenges shall come;

what new needs shall arise?

(L.B. Cowman, Streams in the Desert)


You don’t know what 2021 holds for you. I don’t know what the year holds for me, either. We face the unknown.


The unknown.” What do those words do to you?


“The unknown” creates strong emotions for me when those two words inflict themselves on my life, my future, my family.

When I come face-to-face with “the unknown,” my stomach knots. My knees wobble.


I don’t know what I’ll find but I know I’ll face challenges, and I want to know:

  • Just how challenging will the challenges be?
  • Just how serious will the needs be?
  • Will I come out okay on the other side?


Over and under and around it all, I wonder if I will handle them well.


What about you?


What if, in 2021, you learn that “the unknown” turns out to be God asking you to do something that seems too hard?


What if “the unknown,” once known, is something that breaks your heart?

Or something that means the end of life-long dreams?

Or what if you suddenly have a crucial need?

What if the challenges of 2021 threaten to overwhelm you?


What if God asks you to give your “utmost” for Him?


At such moments, we stand at a turning point. We are at a defining moment.


We can say yes to God, take hold of His hand, and step into that potentially painful, frightful “unknown.”


Or we can tell God no, turn away, and try to slog through life on our own terms.


The choice is ours.


“Before we choose to follow God’s will,

a crisis must develop in our lives. . . .

He brings us to the place where He asks us

to be our utmost for Him and we begin to debate.


He then providentially produces a crisis

where we have to decide—for or against.


That moment becomes a great crossroads in our lives.”

Oswald Chambers


As you know, Abraham has been a special hero to me for years now. Let me explain why:


God made a staggering request of him: “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” (Sounds like what missionaries do, doesn’t it?)


God didn’t tell Abraham where he was supposed to goonly that he was to go (Genesis 12:1). He was asking Abraham to give his utmost for Him.


So there he stood, at a critical turning point in his life.


Who knows how long

Abraham debated with himself

and with God

as he stood at his crossroads?

He must have agonized.


But, bless his heart, at his defining moment, Abraham agreed to go where God sent him even though he did not know where he was going.


The book of Hebrews summed up Abraham’s pivotal moment this way:


“Abraham, by faith, obeyed and went out,

even though he did not know where he was going

(Hebrews 11:8).


He set out, simply trusting God. Talk about a blind leap of faith!


Perhaps today you stand at a crossroads and you’re debating whether to say “yes” or “no” to God. If not today, maybe a week from now, or ten months from now.


During 2021,

when you face as-yet-unknown challenges and needs,

when your stomach knots and your knees wobble,

when you don’t know where God is leading you,

may the following words encourage you: 


The only thing you know

is that God knows what He is doing.

Continually examine your attitude toward God

to see if you are willing to ‘go out’

in every area of your life,

trusting in God entirely. . . .

You don’t know what God is going to do next.

Each morning . . . is a new opportunity

to ‘go out’ building your confidence in God.”

(Oswald Chambers)


An opportunity?

Yes, an opportunity!

An opportunity to trust God,

an opportunity to grow in faith.


For the Lord your God

takes hold of your hand and says to you:

“Don’t be afraid. I will help you.”

(Isaiah 41:13)

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